Don’t Be Duped! — 3 “Diet Foods” Guaranteed to Sabotage Your Health

Don’t Be Duped! — 3 “Diet Foods” Guaranteed to Sabotage Your Health

3 Diet Foods Sabotaging Your Health
Are you putting 100% into your diet program, but feel like you’re getting 0 results?

Many people find themselves in this pickle. They work hard, hold on to their diet strategy like a bulldog, but fail to see the transformation they wanted. Hopes were high, but the scale just isn’t going downward.

What gives?

Often, the problem is not effort or motivation. The issue is that they are incorporating certain foods in their diet plan that are actually not diet foods at all. The diet industry is big business, and unfortunately, many companies market their products as healthy, even though they are counter-productive options.

What are these foods? Here are three problem foods you need to cut from your diet immediately.

Fruit Flavored Yogurts

Fruit flavored yogurts are a favorite among many dieters, but many fail to see them for what they are: pint-sized sugar bombs. The 3 week diet program does not prescribe you such processed unhealthy foods. Individual yogurt packs have gotten unhealthier and unhealthier, while their reputation as a go-to diet food has regrettably survived.

Next time you’re picking out your favorite yogurt, double check the sugar content. You might be surprised to find there are 15+ grams of sugar per serving.

Of course, you can purchase the sugar-free varieties, but then you’ll be consuming unwanted artificial sweeteners, which can be just as bad for you.

Instead, opt for plain Greek yogurt. Flavor it yourself by adding a handful of fresh berries.

Fat-Free Products

Beware of any product marketed as ‘fat-free’. These products proudly label themselves as fat-free, and that very well may be true.

But ask yourself, if the fat is removed, what has been added? Time and again, the fat content has been substituted with something just as undesirable.

Often that means heaps of sugar.

If you are trying to lose body fat, sugar is just as bad — if not worse — than fat is. Try low-calorie smoothies that will help you to curb your sugar cravings and further increase your weight loss chances.

Protein Bars

The last problem food to be wary of is the protein bar, despite its prevalence in many diet programs and meal plans. These may seem like a great option because they contain protein,  but once again you have to look a little closer.

Check that sugar content. Most protein bars have upwards of 15 grams of sugar per bar. Some contain 30 and even 40 grams.

In actuality, these are glorified chocolate bars. While you can buy a few bars with very low sugar content (five grams or less per bar), these will require a little searching.

Sadly, many dieters are blissfully unaware of these three problem foods. Are any of them in your current diet?

If you want to learn the two must-eat foods that will catapult fat loss into high gear, make sure you check out The 2 Week Diet. Highly-readable and conveniently-packaged in PDF form, it has all the best advice you need to correct any lingering misinformation you’ve fallen prey to.

Top 5 Secret Tips of Boosting Your Ezine Sign-Ups

5 Hot Tips for Boosting Ezine Sign-Ups

By Angela Wills

If you already have an ezine/newsletter and would like to get more people signing up to it (who doesn’t!) here are some simple things you can do now to increase subscriptions and get more people signing up to your newsletter.

1. Look at Your Sign-Up Boxes – What do they say? Is the text appealing? Do you have an attractive graphic?

Your newsletter signup area should be like a mini-salespage. It should have a headline that is attention-getting and grabs people to pull them in and tell them the benefits of handing over their email address. Just putting up a form that says ‘fill out your name and email to be added to my list’ is NOT going to get you the most sign-ups!
An example of a good headline might be “Sign Up Now to Get Your FREE Tips, Resources and Special Offers on X!”
You’ll also want to have some specific text below the sign-up box that also describes what they will be getting. Bullet points work, highlighting, italics. Make it important and make it stand out.
You can also look at your ‘Submit’ button and see how you can create a greater call to action with this. You can use words like ‘Get my Free Subscription’ or ‘Sign Me up Now!’.

2. Opt-in Sign-Up Placement – Where have you placed your sign-up box on your website? Is it just on the main page of your site?

Your main page of your website may get a lot of traffic but what about the rest of the pages? If you only have your opt-in on the main page then you need to think about incorporating it in to the rest of the pages of your site since you will often get website visitors from the search engines who don’t find you through your main page. You don’t want to lose these people!
Another thing to consider is to place the opt-in sign-up on other websites you have that are also in the same niche as your list.

3. Test the Location of Your Opt-in – Where is your opt-in or sign-up offer located?

Moving your opt-in location can make a big difference in the number of sign-ups you receive. If you currently have your opt-in in the right sidebar of your site, try it on the left (assuming you have a left) or try it in the copy of your website. Test out what happens when you move it around and if you see an increase in subscribers you’ll know you’ve found a winning location.

4. Use a Pop-up/Hover-ad -Yes these can be annoying to some people but they really do work. 

They don’t have to be annoying either if used sparingly. If you use a service like AWeber (which I highly recommend) then you can set the ads to pop in only once per visit or one per visitor so that people who are clicking around your site don’t need to keep closing your ad.
Test out a hover ad and see if that increases your conversions. Sometimes it can have a very big effect on the overall conversions.

5. Host a Teleseminar – Now this task may not seem as easy as the others to set up. 

Once you do have a system set up, however, hosting teleseminars can become part of your routine and be pretty easy to get going. Hosting a teleseminar allows people to get to know you better and creates more word of mouth about your business.
Of course you’ll also want to be looking at bringing more traffic to your website so more people see your email opt-in offer but you can use these five hot tips to start seeing more opt-ins without increasing your traffic one bit.
Are you ready to get your ezine/newsletter up and running so it can help generate more client/customer traffic to your website? Then join me in my new training program that walks you step-by-step through the process of building your list, creating a freebie, and getting more sign-ups.

Other Best Selling MOJO Products: 

Adsense Account Approval - The Quickest Way !

Only Two Days !! Yes you heard it right !!

I was messing around with my blog for months to get my adsense account approved. But there seems to be lots of obstacles in between. Google lays down numerous terms and conditions and eligibility criteria for a new blog. Like in India, we guys have to wait for 6 months before we can get our adsense account approved. And that too after we have bought a domain, rented a hosting space, wrote quality and unique posts, improving our blog's SEO and getting significant amount of traffic for Google to analyse our blogs more effectively.

So Much for So less.

After few days of work on my blog I found out the two-step verification and approval of the adsense account. And that was heartbreaking. It seems to be a too much work for a too less of a job done. 6 Months investments just to get an account was killing me.

I Found out a SECRET to approve adsense within 48 hours !

I call it the YMAA or simply the 'Youtube Method of Adsense Approval'. And it is broken down in steps for you. This guide is for a total newbie. Intermediates can skip steps accordingly. 


  • First we need a google mail ID - Click here to make a google email ID.
  • We will sign into Youtube - You don't need to separately sign up for Youtube. But still click here.
  • We will sign up for Youtube partner program - It's important 
  • Create Adsense Account through Youtube Account - Easy and quick. Follow below.
  • Enable our youtube account for monetization. - Optional.
  • Wait for the adsense approval mail - Simple.
Lets get Started.

Step by step signing up for Adsense Account:

Step - 1:

Sign in to your Youtube account Dashboard. From the sidebar menu go to channel monetization settings. Click "How can my video make money" under "Guidelines and Information". Then click at "learn more". Read all the Youtube Partner Program Overview and then only proceed further.

Step - 2:

Now you have read the partner program go to the "How will I be paid?" option and click on "associate an AdSense account". A window will appear prompting you to click the "next" button. You will be redirected to the adsense sign up page.

Step - 3:

A 3-step sign up page will appear. Just click "Sign In" button and proceed. Your "My Website" option will automatically be filled and will show your Youtube channel URL. Select your "Content Language" and click the "Continue" button.

Step - 4:

An information page will appear where you have to enter your contact information as prompted by the form. Registering the "Account Type" as business or individual does not make much difference except in US. So chose any account type if you are not from US. Fill all the options and click on "Submit my application" or go back if you want to make some changes.

Step - 5:

You will be asked for phone verification. Just verify your phone as you did when you created your email account. AdSense "Terms and Conditions" page will pop up. Read all the terms and conditions before agreeing to it. Tick mark "Yes, I have read and accept the agreement" and then click the button "Redirecting You back to Youtube..". The application submitted will be reviewed by the Google Adsense team and will notify you by email.
The application usually takes 24 to 48 hours and this method of creating a Google Adsense account have 100% success rate when it comes to approval.
Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your AdSense application. Comment below if you found your adsense account approved. Like and Share this article if you found it helpful.
Good Luck !

Step by Step method to Sign Up for a Youtube Partner Program

Setup your channel and videos for Monetization.

With growing numbers and popularity of vlogging community, it has become mandatory to have a youtube account at hand. And how excited will you be when I tell you that you can make a serious money out of your unique videos. Yes you can capture yourself in a camera doing what you love to do. Show your passions to the world and you will be rewarded with cash in your bank account. 

Youtube partner program allows you to make money on the videos you create and upload to your youtube channel. This is achieved through ads that run on the videos when they are been watched.

I have no ads running on my videos?

First of all you have to setup your youtube account, create a channel, enable monetization and accept your Youtube Partner Program policies and then you are ready to kick in this career point.

What are all the requirements?

For you to get started you need to have the following things ready.

That's it, Now lets get started.

Step - 1:

Visit and at the top right corner of the page click the "Sign In" button.

Step - 2:

Youtube will ask for your google email and password. Youtube is a google product and google uses a single email and password to sign in to all its products and services. That means your youtube account was created automatically when you create your google email account. Now click the icon at the top right corner and chose "Creator Studio".

Step - 3:

A page will appear asking you to create a channel for your account. Just click on "Create a channel" written in blue and proceed to the next part where you can name your channel. The fields are auto-filled by default. But you can change the name of your channel. Chose a name which best describes the content you are going to upload and click "Create Channel" button.

Step - 4:

You will be at the video manager page. Now on the left sidebar menu click on "Channel". Your channel Status and features page will appear that shows all the features currently enabled in your account. The green dots will show the enabled features. You can also manually enable other features. Go ahead and click the enable button in front of the monetization feature.

Step - 5:

Click  "Enable My Account". Youtube partner program terms will appear in a pop up window. Make sure you read all the terms before you tick all the three mandatory fields. Now hit "I accept" button.

Step - 6:

Congratulations !! Your channel is now enabled to monetize your videos and a $ sign will now appear next to your videos whenever you upload them. Toggle switch it on to start running ads on your videos. 
However there is one more step before you start cashing out. That is, you have to link your adsense account to the newly advertisement enabled channel. I have written that article on a separate post here.
Good Luck !!

